How Come Trading Programs Cost So Much?
There is no shortage of trading programs available at the current time. A simple search on Google will turn out hundreds of programs for a perspective trader's perusal. Of course, there is a certain level of "sticker shock" when the perspective trader investigates the price of some of the programs. Some of the more famous programs may cost as much as $5000, sometimes more. The question is a simple one, how does a relatively simple program and up costing so very much? This is no easy question to answer in common sense terms. Many program owners would argue that their training programs will allow you to make far in excess of $5000, so they're program is worth every penny you pay for it. I suppose that's a fairly logical answer, though I find it a bit confusing. In the real world, (to which the Internet bears no resemblance) programs and produce are priced according to the amount of labor, raw materials, and marketing expenses associated with the program. That partic...